The Islandish Language
While the ambient magic of Otter Island allows everyone to understand every language, it does have a language all its own, having borrowed bits from all of the other lutrine languages as well as human languages, elvin languages and fairy languages.
Islandish is a very simple language with very flexible grammar. For starters, there are no articles such as "the" or "a". A sentence such as "The rain in spain is the bane of the plain." would be "Rain in Spain is Bane of Plain".
Adverbs and adjectives are the same. "Good" is the same word as "well".
There are no plurals. To indicate plurals, the speaker uses a modifier such as "some" or "several". For example, "I gather flowers." would be "I gather flower." Whereas "I would like eggs for breakfast." might be phrased "I like two egg for breakfast."
There is no past or future tense. To indicate a past event, the speaker inserts the word "did", and to indicate future, "will".
There is no set formula for turning a noun into a verb, a verb into an adjective, and whatnot. Thus, it is perfectly acceptable to simply change the use of a word. For example, "I make lunch for Zabby." could be expressed as "I lunch Zabby".
Every otter has his or her own type of accent, but the generally accepted standard is the "Sipilont" accent, made from a fusion of the accents of European river otters, American river otters and California sea otters. To simulate this accent, start by saying "ah". Now slowly close the back of your throat and force half of your voice through your nose, so that the "ah" sounds more like "ng". Now hold your tongue close to the roof of your mouth and tighten your lower jaw. If you are doing this correctly, when you say "Now is the time for all good otters to come to the aid of their wetlands.", it should come out sounding like "Ngau isth zah tom foh awl guht oddus du gum du de ehd ohv dheya we'londts."
Don't worry... it all makes sense in context.
As with any language, Islandish centers on those things most important to those who speak it. Thus, there are many words surrounding such concepts as water, fish and play, while there are almost none for concepts such as clothing. Below is a vocabulary list. On the left is English to Islandish, sorted by part of speech. On the right is Islandish to English.
English | Islandish | Part of speech |
all | tul | adjective |
bad | naga | adjective |
big | ho | adjective |
creek | tepp | adjective |
down | meh | adjective |
east | kees | adjective |
good, well | yee | adjective |
imbued with | neh | adjective |
much | omoh | adjective |
north | en | adjective |
silly | vssn | adjective |
south | ek | adjective |
up | ahtu | adjective |
very | yeh | adjective |
west | fes | adjective |
soon | pess | adverb |
and, with | ka | conjunction |
danger | greeya | interjection |
Goodbye | wut | interjection |
Hello | wut | interjection |
no | chk | interjection |
oh | oh | interjection |
okay | okheh | interjection |
sorry | nura | interjection |
yes | wa | interjection |
air, breath | wheh' | noun |
arm, foreleg | guung | noun |
baby | myeh | noun |
bird | toop | noun |
blessing | yeetek | noun |
bodily waste | bipf | noun |
clam | pekka | noun |
claw | kaht | noun |
cloudy area where rain mixes with the sea | Sherin | noun |
cold | choor | noun |
crustacean | nookah | noun |
day | yaw | noun |
ear | heha | noun |
eel | eel | noun |
elf | ewff | noun |
eye | uurah | noun |
family | lutara | noun |
fire | kabora | noun |
fish | hesh | noun |
flower | snim | noun |
food | hep | noun |
foot, flipper | foop | noun |
forest | ditsar | noun |
friend | chepa | noun |
fruit | takru | noun |
fur | felsh | noun |
genitals (female) | ushra | noun |
genitals (male) | usra | noun |
gift | fwasa | noun |
God | Mungu | noun |
hand | pahn | noun |
Heaven, sky | Hiveng | noun |
house (built above ground) | muur | noun |
house (burrow) | bor | noun |
ice | weshma | noun |
Jesus | Jusu | noun |
joy | tchee | noun |
kelp | semsha | noun |
lake | lumot | noun |
leg | geng | noun |
light | ipk | noun |
lobster | laenook | noun |
marlin | empa | noun |
marsh, swamp | moosh | noun |
milk | lema | noun |
mouth | huun | noun |
muzzle | he'un | noun |
nageel | nageel | noun |
neck | kreng | noun |
nose | shu | noun |
number | chim | noun |
oyster | mook | noun |
peace | chool | noun |
pearl | fthu | noun |
people | luteh | noun |
pepper, hot sauce | vashna | noun |
person | lut | noun |
pine | oress | noun |
pond | numot | noun |
pup / child | peluh | noun |
rain | plannah | noun |
refrain | pracha | noun |
river | washa | noun |
rock | pn | noun |
saint | Sanga | noun |
sand | wush | noun |
sea | ~umek | noun |
slide (noun) | weeshar | noun |
snow (falling) | sheh' | noun |
snow (on the ground) | shap | noun |
song | prrrta | noun |
spouse | Chpeh | noun |
starfish | wummish | noun |
tail | shwas | noun |
thanks | weeneh | noun |
torso | mui | noun |
toy | zikka | noun |
tummy-rock | pakn | noun |
urchin | tikka | noun |
verse | pruv | noun |
village | Moorba | noun |
water (fresh) | ubba | noun |
water (salt) | appa | noun |
waterfall | ~asho | noun |
whisker | pishk | noun |
winter | shehtul | noun |
world | ngabu | noun |
eight | gwo | number |
five | nuk | number |
four | mar | number |
nine | far | number |
one | ep | number |
seven | han | number |
six | nee | number |
ten | epsah | number |
three | shay | number |
two | ket | number |
by | na | preposition |
far | poh | preposition |
for | ag | preposition |
from | ur | preposition |
in | an | preposition |
near | pi | preposition |
on, above | ed | preposition |
so that | ti | preposition |
through | annah | preposition |
to | a | preposition |
he, him, his | es | pronoun |
how | wahu | pronoun |
I, me, my | sri | pronoun |
it, its | veh | pronoun |
now | uun | pronoun |
she / he | eth | pronoun |
she, her, hers | esh | pronoun |
us | kheh | pronoun |
what | te | pronoun |
where | wur | pronoun |
who | wuk | pronoun |
why | uuw' | pronoun |
You, your | u | pronoun |
can, may | whoh | verb |
decorate | zavak | verb |
did, done | peh | verb |
do | pa | verb |
ear | heech | verb |
fall (like rain) | uuk | verb |
fill | ghah | verb |
give | fwa | verb |
hear | heh | verb |
is | eh | verb |
leave (behind) | frook | verb |
like | mema | verb |
Love | Chp | verb |
make peace | choola | verb |
mate (verb) | Chpusreh | verb |
need | shee | verb |
play | zook | verb |
praise | fuf | verb |
pray | Mucheh | verb |
romp | oag | verb |
say, declare | tuleh | verb |
see | uur | verb |
sing | Prrr | verb |
slide | weesh | verb |
speak | wutchu | verb |
visit | zoov | verb |
Islandish | English | Part of speech |
~asho | waterfall | noun |
~umek | sea | noun |
a | to | preposition |
ag | for | preposition |
ahtu | up | adjective |
an | in | preposition |
annah | through | preposition |
appa | water (salt) | noun |
bipf | bodily waste | noun |
bor | house (burrow) | noun |
chepa | friend | noun |
chim | number | noun |
chk | no | interjection |
chool | peace | noun |
choola | make peace | verb |
choor | cold | noun |
Chp | Love | verb |
Chpeh | spouse | noun |
Chpusreh | mate (verb) | verb |
ditsar | forest | noun |
ed | on, above | preposition |
eel | eel | noun |
eh | is | verb |
ek | south | adjective |
empa | marlin | noun |
en | north | adjective |
ep | one | number |
epsah | ten | number |
es | he, him, his | pronoun |
esh | she, her, hers | pronoun |
eth | she / he | pronoun |
ewff | elf | noun |
far | nine | number |
felsh | fur | noun |
fes | west | adjective |
foop | foot, flipper | noun |
frook | leave (behind) | verb |
fthu | pearl | noun |
fuf | praise | verb |
fwa | give | verb |
fwasa | gift | noun |
geng | leg | noun |
ghah | fill | verb |
greeya | danger | interjection |
guung | arm, foreleg | noun |
gwo | eight | number |
han | seven | number |
heech | ear | verb |
heh | hear | verb |
heha | ear | noun |
hep | food | noun |
hesh | fish | noun |
he'un | muzzle | noun |
Hiveng | Heaven, sky | noun |
ho | big | adjective |
huun | mouth | noun |
ipk | light | noun |
Jusu | Jesus | noun |
ka | and, with | conjunction |
kabora | fire | noun |
kaht | claw | noun |
kees | east | adjective |
ket | two | number |
kheh | us | pronoun |
kreng | neck | noun |
laenook | lobster | noun |
lema | milk | noun |
lumot | lake | noun |
lut | person | noun |
lutara | family | noun |
luteh | people | noun |
mar | four | number |
meh | down | adjective |
mema | like | verb |
mook | oyster | noun |
Moorba | village | noun |
moosh | marsh, swamp | noun |
Mucheh | pray | verb |
mui | torso | noun |
Mungu | God | noun |
muur | house (built above ground) | noun |
myeh | baby | noun |
na | by | preposition |
naga | bad | adjective |
nageel | nageel | noun |
nee | six | number |
neh | imbued with | adjective |
ngabu | world | noun |
nookah | crustacean | noun |
nuk | five | number |
numot | pond | noun |
nura | sorry | interjection |
oag | romp | verb |
oh | oh | interjection |
okheh | okay | interjection |
omoh | much | adjective |
oress | pine | noun |
pa | do | verb |
pahn | hand | noun |
pakn | tummy-rock | noun |
peh | did, done | verb |
pekka | clam | noun |
peluh | pup / child | noun |
pess | soon | adverb |
pi | near | preposition |
pishk | whisker | noun |
plannah | rain | noun |
pn | rock | noun |
poh | far | preposition |
pracha | refrain | noun |
Prrr | sing | verb |
prrrta | song | noun |
pruv | verse | noun |
Sanga | saint | noun |
semsha | kelp | noun |
shap | snow (on the ground) | noun |
shay | three | number |
shee | need | verb |
sheh' | snow (falling) | noun |
shehtul | winter | noun |
Sherin | cloudy area where rain mixes with the sea | noun |
shu | nose | noun |
shwas | tail | noun |
snim | flower | noun |
sri | I, me, my | pronoun |
takru | fruit | noun |
tchee | joy | noun |
te | what | pronoun |
tepp | creek | adjective |
ti | so that | preposition |
tikka | urchin | noun |
toop | bird | noun |
tul | all | adjective |
tuleh | say, declare | verb |
u | You, your | pronoun |
ubba | water (fresh) | noun |
ur | from | preposition |
ushra | genitals (female) | noun |
usra | genitals (male) | noun |
uuk | fall (like rain) | verb |
uun | now | pronoun |
uur | see | verb |
uurah | eye | noun |
uuw' | why | pronoun |
vashna | pepper, hot sauce | noun |
veh | it, its | pronoun |
vssn | silly | adjective |
wa | yes | interjection |
wahu | how | pronoun |
washa | river | noun |
weeneh | thanks | noun |
weesh | slide | verb |
weeshar | slide (noun) | noun |
weshma | ice | noun |
wheh' | air, breath | noun |
whoh | can, may | verb |
wuk | who | pronoun |
wummish | starfish | noun |
wur | where | pronoun |
wush | sand | noun |
wut | Hello | interjection |
wut | Goodbye | interjection |
wutchu | speak | verb |
yaw | day | noun |
yee | good, well | adjective |
yeetek | blessing | noun |
yeh | very | adjective |
zavak | decorate | verb |
zikka | toy | noun |
zook | play | verb |
zoov | visit | verb |
Alphabet / phonetics:
Wild otters generally don't concern themselves with learning to read, but the Islanders found it necessary to develop a visual language in order to properly communicate with other cultures such as the elves of neighboring dimensions. The alphabet is based on shapes found in water.
Islandish does contain several sounds not found in English, such as the snuff (burst of air through the nose), tongue click, throat click, bark and trill. The crescendo and decrescendo are usually only written down for pups just learning to read, to teach them where to put emphasis is a word.
Think you've got all that? Here are a couple of sentences you can test yourself with.